Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Navigating the Medical Underworld

My kids have big noggins'. It's pretty obvious and due to genetics. It's an understatement to say I was terrified of childbirth when pregnant with my boy after hearing the war stories of my father's and my brother's birth. But I survived mostly due to the wonderful epideral (I know to much information)

For the most part after labour there has been very little difference in my life with the regards to their head size. Perhaps, I've been known to buy clothes a size bigger or to ensure that they have button down shirts. Also choosing a hat to fit their heads is always a challenge. Mostly I just share my own ball caps with them ;)
So despite my continued assurances to our doctor regarding our family propensity for large craniums she scheduled an appointment for a pediatrician to assess sweet little T.
A month later we were scheduled and after working out all the workplace / daycare logistics (always a difficult task) I scooped her up early and made it to the medical center early. It was an unseasonably hot day so we didn't linger in the car too long. We trudged our way to Dr C's office only to find that she did not work there anymore - hadn't in fact worked there for over a year. What!! It was the address the receptionist had given me over the phone. I tried to call but of course no answer. Another receptionist directed me to the hospital. T and I ran across the street and were sent on a wild goose chase through the hospital trying to find pediatric services. Five different staff members, though pleasant and helpful, gave us five different sets of directions. By this time I was completely dripping with sweat in my business suit and T was getting a little perturbed by the racing around. We did finally manage to find pediatric services (not that I could ever find my way there again). I was really nervous that the doctor wouldn't see us as by this point we were late (and ironically doctors hate to be kept waiting).
We get to reception only to be informed that Dr C has no appointments and is not back from her surgery recovery until June. What! I had called to confirm! Sweat drips down my back as I realize this logistical nightmare was all for nothing. Five minutes later the receptionist finds a piece of paper that states all referrals are suppose to go to Dr E. She eyeballs me and kindly asks if I would like a glass of water. I decline and realize I must look quite dishevelled since she offers the water two more times.
Luckily the wait isn't too long but am surprised that this gruff, unfriendly dr is in pedriatics. Not really sure how he wins over his pint size patients. He opens T's file only to find that my GP's office forgot to send T's head charts!!!! What!!!! He couldn't assess without all of the statistical trending data. At this point I could do nothing but smile... This day was totally ridiculous...

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