Monday, July 19, 2010

Does anyone over 18 really enjoy splash pads?

I have recently realized I have a love/hate relationship with Splash pads. To be honest I don't really remember going to them as a child. They either didn't exist or perhaps were just a couple of small fountains spouting out of the ground? I did remember there used to be a lot more outdoor public pools in the 80's and the splash pads of today definitely seem to use more advanced technology than the small fountains of the past.
However, with temperatures soaring, no access to a pool and two small children I find myself packing up bags, jumping in the car and heading out to these places. But to be honest getting blasted in the face by streams of water is not really my idea of a good time. I find the whole experience kind of chilly and uncomfortable. The disgusting inevitable used band aids that litter these places also kind of turn my stomach - especially when your 10 month old decides to put them in his/her mouth and chew them like they are a free snack.
Not sure if it is genetic or what but my own two kiddies aren't overly big fans of being sprayed and heaven help me when they get a stream of water full on in the face. What they do seem to enjoy is splashing around in the puddles and activating all of the water sensors.
The reason I torture myself at these kind of places is because happy toddlers equals happy mama! On occasion I must also admit that when the humidex climbs its way over 35 the cool water misters are enjoyable for all!

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