Monday, August 30, 2010

Millions of peaches....peaches for me!

We took four kids on little sleep to the Winona Peach festival on Sunday and I'm the only one that had a nap after the adventure!
Despite the exhaustion created by our hot hike and outing , it is super cute to see how excited 4 year olds get to go the midway rides (our son has a cousin that is the same age).*

At first they (and their Grandma) seemed apprehensive to go on the "flying dragons" but after a few spins around they were old pros. After that there was no stopping them (except for the fact they were too tall for the bouncy castles!?)

*Note - upon first arriving at the festival, they were also equally enthused by the port-a-potties.

The Circle of Life Lesson

This weekend we had the opportunity to go to our first outdoor pig roast party (my uncle is turning the big F-word). There were about a dozen kids at this soiree ranging in ages of 2 - 9.
Most of the kids took one look at the roasting pig, proclaimed loud "EEWww gross - I'm not eating that" and hightailed it to other areas of the backyard party to scarf down their pepperoni pizza.
My son, however, much to the delight of the butcher, was fascinated with the pig. "Look mommy I can see the eye". "Look mommy I can see the teeth" It was also the first time he really fully connected the fact that the meat on his plate doesn't come from meat trees.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

We just spent another week up at the cottage with the kids and quite frankly I am exhausted. I feel kind of like I just spent a week at a fat camp with all of the activities (but with copius amounts of food and beer).
My 4 year old has so much energy I can barely keep up. He always wanted to be "doing" something - and that did not include sitting his butt down with a sippy cup on a muskoka chair.
The good news is that he has come a long way from last year when he pouted and was upset for me putting him into the lake. Now I found myself being hyper vigilant about making sure he wasn't taking an unauthorized dip into said lake.
My 22 month old apparently likes to pretend at being a future femme fatale and you don't realize how much she can secretly do until you turn your back on her. Than she is scaling ladders and swinging on swings. Hmmmm...gonna have to watch out with this one.
But for now it's back to reality and the daily grind. At least I get to sit down at the office (minus the beer of course)!