Saturday, June 5, 2010

This article makes my blood run cold

'a mistake of memory that delivers a lifelong sentence of guilt far greater than any a judge or jury could mete out ':

This Pulitzer Prize Winning article sends shivers down my back. I think because I honestly believe all of these wonderful parents truly just made a mistake. A horrible mistake. This is honestly one of my worst nightmares. If it should ever happen to me I know I would not be strong enough to endure it. I can see how easy it would be to be a completely exhausted parent, trying to do it all (and what parent doesn't?) and the results are disasterous.

I totally relate to the one story of how the parent dropped off the other parent (out of the norm for this particular couple) and the mind registered it as a daycare dropoff. A similar incident happened to me at Union Station where normally I would punch my 10 ride ticket to ride the train. I went to the bank machine instead and my mind registered it as punching my ticket. The end result was a $110 ticket when the GO train attendant came round to check and a realization of how easy it is to forget things. Interesting how the mind works and although mad at the time I am grateful in hindsight that it wasn't something as serious as this.

When my own kids are passed out in the back of the car they are so quiet that sometimes hubby and I wonder if they are still there.

Still feeling those shivers....

What do you think?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

So I went to my first wedding in 5 years were I wasn't pregnant or breastfeeding and I honestly didn't think of my children once! The wedding was at a Muskoka resort and the weather couldn't have been any better. For a change I knew the majority of the guests in attendance and some of my close friends I hadn't seen in awhile were there.
I felt like I was in my single days again! No child to ensure doesn't fall inadvertantly into the lake, no watching the clock to stay on schedule, no trying to convince someone to eat their veggies. I haven't felt so relaxed in a long time (maybe the cocktails helped). I was completely surprised that I allowed myself to live in the moment. I wouldn't classify myself as an anxious parent but they are definetly in the back of my mind 100 percent of the time. Wonder what changed on this one wonderful weekend away? Hope it happens again if hubby and I ever get a chance to get away again.
The best part is coming home and seeing your kids super excited to see you again.